Sunday, August 06, 2006

Finding financial freedom

It is not always a lack of money that creates financial pressure. Many times it is simply a matter of attitude. If there is a right attitude toward money, freedom from financial bondage can be assured. God did not say that money and material things were problems; money is neither good nor bad. It is the use of money and the attitude toward money that is the problem. Therefore, Jesus regularly warned His followers to guard their hearts against greed, ego, and pride, because Satan can control God’s people with these emotional tools. In the area of finances, God’s people are extremely vulnerable. As such, they need to be encouraged to follow the necessary steps that will ensure money management according to God’s plan, thus assuring financial freedom.Transfer ownershipGod has designated the most difficult step, transfer of ownership, as the first step. Once this has been accomplished, all other steps will fall into place.As Christians, God expects that all possessions be transferred to Him. Since we can’t literally place everything into His hands, this transfer becomes an act of faith. In essence, it means accepting the fact that God owns it all. Transferring ownership to God means that God owns all that we consider ours: clothes, car, home, family, income, debts, present, and future. Once ownership is transferred, God can begin to lead out of debt and into financial freedom. We then become stewards and managers of what belongs to Him.So, if God is the owner of everything in Christians’ lives, He can be trusted to change unhealthy spending habits (especially the abuse of credit cards) that cause debt, anxiety, and fear of the future. The key to maintaining this relationship is to understand properly the definition of stewardship. A steward is someone who manages the property of another. As His stewards, we are responsible for managing His property in a way that will please Him. God will not force His will on us, but if we realize our responsibility and transfer everything to Him, He will keep His promise and provide for each and every need. The first step in achieving financial freedom is to realize that since God is in complete control, all that we are, do, have or ever will have must be transferred to Him. Get out and stay out of debtThere are many ways to get into debt but%

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