Sunday, December 24, 2006

Financial Freedom Services Or A Millstone Around Your Neck?

By Kevinor Moore

Financial freedom services is a concept often peddled by many in the internet marketing industry as a lure to get folks into their downline. The suggestion or promise of financial freedom is sure to be attractive to most people who are struggling to make a decent standard of living for themselves and their families. Like most things in life the reality is far separated from the facts. There is no free lunch and no easy money. If you want to succeed in internet marketing or MLM you can but you will need to work hard.

I apologize if that's not what you wanted to hear, but as far as I can see it is the truth of online business. So many people will offer the unsuspecting home business novice promises of financial freedom services and more free time. All supposedly without them having to put in little or no effort at all. This is in fact absolute and utter cack! To succeed on line or in any business venture takes hard work and a lot of it. Once you get your head around this concept and stop chasing the pot of gold at the end of the MLM rainbow things will start to take shape for you.

Why else would I be sitting here on a Saturday morning typing this article amongst several others I will type today? Plus the 20 web pages I will build before I turn in tonight (or more likely tomorrow morning). Did I forget to mention the mailing list I will need to reply to as well? I tell you all this to impress upon you that if you truly wish to succeed then you will have to work and work hard. If you are afraid of hard work then MLM or internet marketing is not for you. Don't bother with the get rich schemes because you won't get rich quick or find financial freedom services either. The only people who will make any money out of that stuff are the guys peddling it.

The best piece of advice I ever received was from a friend who was not even in business for himself or ever has been. He said "if it sounds too good to be true it most probably is". I have taken this on board since I started my own online business career and so far to date that advice as always proved correct. So stop chasing rainbows in your search for financial freedom services and knuckle down to some hard work. All the real help and advice you could ever need is out there on the internet. The amazing fact is that nearly all of it is free! You need only to sift through it sorting out the real advice from the cack and you will see what I say is correct. The bottom line is that success is easy but getting there is real hard work.

The only other thing worth pointing out is that we all need a place to get started. The secret to this one is research. Do your homework first before you dive into anything. Research, research and then... Yep you guessed it, research some more. Remember most everything you will need to know about starting out on the road to your own financial freedom service can be found online for free.

Kevin Moore owns and runs the your turn2earn web site. Your turn2earn is the number one online resource for MLM and online internet marketing links. To find out more about home business or online marketing just visit the web site at

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