By : Brian Dolezal Often referred to as a cash advance, payday loans are designed to provide fast cash in exchange for the borrower's promise to repay the balance upon their next payday. Whether it's an unexpected car repair, a doctor visit or simply a time when funds are a little tight, payday loans may be a short term answer to your problem. Because they do not typically involve a credit check, payday loans are available for those who have past credit problems. Rather than focusing on the past, payday lenders look at your current situation and your ability to repay the loan. As such, you must have a steady job and a guaranteed paycheck in order to qualify for payday loans. Generally, these types of loans are not available to those who are self-employed or otherwise have unpredictable work schedules. Upon an approval for a payday loan, you will be given cash directly by the lender. In return, you will commonly be asked to provide a post-dated check, written for the date of your next payday, for the amount of the loan. In some cases, you will be required to consent to an automatic debit from your bank account on a specific date. Unless other arrangements are made, the lender will cash the check that you provided or debit your account on the agreed upon date. In some cases, payday loans may be extended upon approval by the lender. This means that, instead of cashing the borrower's check, the loan would simply roll over for another specified amount of time. In exchange, the borrower would pay interest and possibly additional fees for this service. In a world where so many families are living from one paycheck to the next, it is often life's unexpected events that cause a financial pinch. When this occurs, it can be very difficult to wait for the next paycheck to arrive. In emergency situations like these, the ability to obtain fast cash when you need it is a blessing. Perhaps it isn't an emergency, but maybe you have come up short on grocery money, gasoline or the electricity bill is due. Necessities, although a regular bill, often have a way of sneaking up on you. When seeking quick cash via payday loans, you often need to provide check stubs from your current employer, along with the company's name and address. You may also be asked to state your length of employment, which will help the lender to determine whether or not your employment is steady. Due to the fact that a credit check is not typically required, verifying your employment becomes a top priority when it comes to payday loans. If you plan to submit an application, you may also need valid photo identification and a checking account. By their very nature, payday loans are to be used for obtaining fast cash when you need it. By that same token, you should repay the loan as quickly as possible in order to avoid additional fees and interest. The information contained in this article is designed to be used for reference purposes only. It should not be used as, in place of or in conjunction with professional financial advice relating to the use of payday loans or cash advance opportunities involving paychecks. |
Author Resource:- Brian Dolezal is a contributing editor for, a leading provider of independent reviews and rankings for hundreds of consumer products. You can find out how ">top payday loan programs compare by visiting today. |
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