Sunday, July 22, 2007

Finding A Debt Consolication Free And Non Profit In MI?

If you're seriously interested in knowing about debt consolidation, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about debt consolidation.

Hopefully the information presented so far has been applicable. You might also want to consider the following:

Green Path is a debt consolidation free and non profit in Michigan. This debt consolidation firm offers an array of services when it comes to taking control of your finances.
Green Path provides free counseling and budget plans that are customized to the needs of each individual.

Their budget assistance is personal and arranged to fit your lifestyle. To begin with you are asked a few key questions about how much outstanding debt you owe, and how much money you earn. When that is finished you will be given an appointment to meet with a certified credit counselor to talk over your options. You will need to bring statements from all of your creditors and a copy of your credit report. If you do not have a credit report you can purchase one from Green Path.

The counselor will help you to figure out all of your options and provide you with a budget and plan of action. You will have 2 choices, to pay the debts yourself or to pay your debts through Green Path. You will have an opportunity to choose.

If you choose to join a debt management program through this debt consolidation free and non profit in Michigan, the counselors at Green Path will be available to answer any of your questions any time you need help, free of charge.

Green Path has pre-filing bankruptcy counseling for a fee. Anyone contemplating bankruptcy is required by law to seek bankruptcy counseling before they are able to file. By taking advantage of a debt management your counselor will be able to get your creditors to lower interest rates, waive fees, and stop collection letters and calls. You will be able to pay down your balance much faster. You may also be able to get a discount on the debt itself. If you are still receiving collection calls and/or letters after 90 days you should refer the creditors to Green Path.

You will be able to consolidate all of your debts into one payment to Green Path. They will then forward all your payments on to your creditors. This is a great alternative for those with many credit accounts all due at a different time. Your counselor well arrange an easier payment plan for you and also make all of your payments due on one convenient date. After completing a debt management program you will feel the personal freedom of living a debt free life.

Green Path will send you a monthly statement showing how much money was sent to them and when and how much was sent to each creditor. Credit counselors are available to answer any questions you may have. Green Path's credit counselors will work with your creditors to stop repossession, foreclosure and even utility shut off.

Our home and our car are our most important possessions. Credit counselors will make these a priority when calculating how the money will be disbursed. They can help you get back on track so your payments will be brought up to date.

Green Path will work with consistency to make sure all of your debts are paid on time each month. This will improve your credit rating immensely and we all know a good credit rating is paramount if you ever need to borrow money for any reason.

That's the latest from the debt consolidation authorities. Once you're familiar with these ideas, you'll be ready to move to the next level.

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