FAQ About Structured Settlements
Written by Dian Herdiana on 6:35 AMWhen you learn that you are going to receive a structured settlement, a lot of times you have
questions about what a structured settlement is. So here are some of the more frequently asked questions about structured settlements.
1. Am I able to put down structured settlements as collateral for a loan?
Usually, it is not able to be listed as collateral, but one way that it does help is that you are able to list it as a form of income. This is able to be very helpful if you are making a big purchase, like a house.
2. What is the definition of a structured settlement?
A structured settlement pays the person who has won the settlement over a period of time, instead of just paying all at once.
3. Am I going to receive interest on money I get from a structured settlement?
The interest that you get from a structured settlement includes any interest that you would get from it, and that is tax-free. You are not going to receive interest from it.
If you are going to get a structured settlement, do not be afraid to ask questions if there is something that you do not understand. Make certain that you are satisfied that you understand everything and that everything is clear to you and to your attorney.
Once the papers are signed, it is non negotiable and you have to be happy with what you have been given, so it is a good idea to be clear on all the details. Ask all of the questions that you want to know, and get all of the facts.

1 comments: Responses to “ FAQ About Structured Settlements ”
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