Friday, November 10, 2006

Faith, Yes, But in What?

by Jeanie Marshall

We all live by faith. The question is, in what?

In most conversations about faith, we generally mean that everything will work out for the good. In a religious setting, it usually means to have faith in God or perhaps faith in the teachings of the religion. With a marriage partner, it generally means to have faith "in the partner's fidelity.

As we give our attention to the various aspects of our life, we have the opportunity to consider in what we put our faith. Here are some aspects of life you might view and consider the following questions.

Health. Do you put your faith in your body's well-being or do you put your faith in drugs or other remedies? Do you have more faith in the body's wisdom or a physician's wisdom?

Economy. Do you put your faith in a higher power to meet your needs or do you put your faith in money? Do you put your faith in financial freedom or do you put your faith in scarcity?

Relationships. Do you put your faith in honesty or do you put your faith in secrecy? Do you put your faith in your own perceptions or do you put your faith in others' perceptions?

Career. Do you put your faith in your own competence or do you put your faith in the opinions of others about your competence? Do you put your faith in today or yesterday or tomorrow?

Yourself. Do you put your faith in what you know about yourself or do you put your faith in what others say about you? Do you put your faith in the inner or the outer?

When people talk about someone losing faith, I do not see it as lost, not even misplaced. I see it as having faith in despair or depression or loneliness or scarcity, rather than faith in hope or joy or life itself.

I do not doubt that people have faith. I feel it is a part of the human condition. My question is, faith in what?

Jeanie Marshall, Empowerment Consultant and Coach with Marshall House, produces Guided Meditations on CD albums and MP3 downloads and writes extensively on subjects related to personal development and empowerment.
Voice of Jeanie Marshall,

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