Do you often dream about not having to rely on other people for your financial well being?
Yet, as much as we secretly dream of being rich and even the wealthy lifestyle, we are often confused by our motivation for such good fortune.
I'm sure you'll agree, wealth for pure wealth sake can be perceived as greed and that's one of the most negative words of the 20th centuries.
The very thought that greed is behind the motivation to seek your own personal fortune is enough to sabotage any lifeplan you have the potential to put in place toward achieving financial freedom.
In fact, it is just this confusion that limits many from ever achieving true wealth. The impact of not living up to your true potential can be felt across your professional, financial and social life.
There are many reasons people are not able to achieve the true wealth they dream about, but the biggest is self-limiting.
By failing to understand the true reasons behind our desire to become wealthy (both the good and the frivolous), we place powerful, yet invisible limitations on our ability to achieve great things.
No matter where you are in your life, career or business, take 60-minutes and write out all of the things you would do with your money imagining that you already had it.
After you have an exhaustive list we can organize them into a primary (most important) list and secondary (everything else) list and then further expand them to understand the impact on other people's lives than our own.
After completing this exercise, you will have a clearer picture of the overall impact wealth will have on your life and the lives of those around you. You will have been honest with yourself and many of your limiting beliefs will be overcome.
1. Control over your own creativity, energy and life-source. For 99% of us, we end up in careers, relationships, friendships and social situations or groups driven by short-term interests or simply, chance. When you worked your way through various early careers, chances are you took what you could get to earn what was important at the time - enough money to get through school, buy your first car, move out of your parent's home, etc... Lining yourself up with a path that maximizes the synergy with your creative strengths, your passions, your core energy is rarely a priority. Yet, by aligning our life with these factors gives us the best chance of making a difference, achieving great things and being happy.
Oddly enough, when I followed up with several people recently who badly wanted to re-position their lives in pursuit of wealth, the picture they assumed would take them there was a business, career or social situation that had them aligned perfectly with their passions, creative energies and life purpose. Indeed, wealth was simply an end result of working and living more in tune with their passions.
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