Sunday, April 15, 2007

30 Year Fixed Rate Cash Flow Option Refinance

The Pay Option ARM mortgage has become one of the most popular home loans in the USA, and is definitely the fastest growing option in high cost states like California, Florida, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. While many people love the start rates which can be as low as 0.25%, there are a lot of people who don't feel comfortable with the possibility of their payments increasing in as little as 1 month on many of the most common programs. The common wisdom is that Option ARMs are incredible products for savvy homeowners and investors, but may be too powerful for the average homeowner to handle. With all of the turbulence in interest rates and the mortgage sector in general this year, Adjustable rate mortgages may be too risky an option for most borrowers, and many are looking for ways to lower their payments and at the same time fix their rate to weather the storm. Since Fixed Rates usually mean higher payments, many homeowners are left wondering what the best thing is to do.

Introducing Hybrid ARMs

An innovative new category of loans has been recently introduced for homeowners who want the security of a Fixed Rate mortgage, with the flexibility and exceptionally low payments of an Option Arm. These home loans go by many names, including Hybrid Option & Fixed Option Arms, but they have one thing in common: A fixed payment for several years. Some of these mortgages have fixed interest rates, some of them have fixed minimum payments which don't go up, and some of them have both!

So what are the key benefits of Hybrid ARMs?

  • Fixed Minimum Payments for 1, 3, 5 or 7 years
  • Fixed Interest Rates for the Full Term on Many Programs
  • Minimum Payment is typically 55% lower than a Regular Loan
  • Increased Cash Flow, Decreased Risk Makes Housing Affordable & Secure
  • Interest Only Payment Option Continues Even After Recast
  • Greatly Reduces the Sticker Shock of a Fixed Mortgage
  • Greatly Reduces the Payment Shock of an Adjustable Mortgage
  • Controls Negative Amortization
  • Retains Flexibility of an Option ARM
Like an Option ARM, Your Payment Coupon Has 4 Options on it
  1. Minimum Payment
  2. Interest Only Payment
  3. 15 Year Fixed Amortized Payment
  4. 30 or 40 Year Amortized Payment
The 30 Year Fixed Cash Flow Loan
Improving on Hybrid Option loans may seem difficult, after all they appear to be the best of both worlds. But there are still those of us who want the security of a fixed rate for 30 years. For those among us (and I include myself in this group) who want to have their cake and eat it to, a powerful tool has been made available to us which takes the solidity of a 30 year fixed mortgage and adds the best feature of the Option ARM mortgage, Interest Only option and the Option to Defer Interest and make a minimum payment. This type of loan is not offered by most mortgage companies, probably because it is not as profitable as the more popular adjustable rate mortgages, but I for one cannot find a better or more innovative product on the market today. You'll understand why I was surprised to learn this type of mortgage has been around for a very long time, however it was only available to a select group of high net worth individuals. Now I know what I've been missing. Here are some highlights of these 30 Year Fixed Rate "Cash Flow" mortgages:
  • Fixed Rate for 30 Years
  • Interest Only Payment Options for up to 20 Years
  • Ability to Defer Interest like the Pros
  • Usually Stated or No Income Verification Requirements
Please stay tuned for more articles about this innovative class of mortgages. We can only hope that the few mortgage companies who offer them can continue to do so with all of the recent happenings in the mortgage industry.

Tristan Hunt is a seasoned financial professional with a wealth of experience in the mortgage business, advising clients on their biggest single investment at Refinance One, one of the nation's leading specialty mortgage companies.

Phone: (800)515-8443

Favorite Topics Include: Adjustable Rate Refinance,Fixed Rate Refinance & Fixed Rate Cash Flow Mortgages


  1. Anonymous2:57 PM

    National City yesterday announced on their website that they are no longer buying second mortgages.

  2. Anonymous8:44 AM

    When you refinance your home mortgage, lenders often tempt you with the option of cashing out part of your home’s equity. Cash at a comparably low interest rate may seem like a good option, but make sure you will financially benefit from it first.
