Thursday, April 19, 2007

Best Hard Money Bridge Loans Explained

What you need to know about hard money bridge loans - This form of credit is not for every one hopefully this article can elaborate. When weighing up lending companies a major factor is the lenders interest rate payable. The main area you should be concerned about though is the reason why you need a hard money bridge loan and whether getting one is going to solve your property problem. You need to compare the costs with the benefits of getting the finance now!

Let us now explore various times when you may need a bridge loan. Times you could use a business bridging finance loan are listed below :

Circumstance 1 - A business needs to raise cash fast - In this instance a business may need to buy out a competitor or expand it's existing business and it doesn't have time to wait for a commercial mortgage or business loan. Bridging finance can normally be raised in as little as 2 or 3 days.

Circumstance 2 - A company needs to purchase stock - If a companies liquidity is low and it doesn't have enough to buy a bargain lot of stock then hard money bridge loans can be used a temporary financial fix.

Circumstance 3 - Purchasing a property at auction - With land and property auctions it is normal that transfers of funds take place very shortly after an auction ends. If you have no commercial mortgage or loan in place then bridging finance is a perfect short term solution.

Circumstance 4 - Venture capital - Many entrepreneurs us this type of credit to take advantage of deals where money is needed now not in a couple of weeks. Because of the speed that these loans can be arranged in they are perfect for this type of application.

Circumstance 5 - Any legal reason - If you have another use for commercial, domestic or any reason whatsoever then you'll be glad to know that you can use this type of credit for any reason provided that it is legal.

From the above you can see the kind of uses for hard money bridge loans, but the uses are as varied as the people who need the finance. The best thing to do next is to get quotations for bridging loans if you think one could help you. On the footer you can find links to a site which offers cheap bridging loans for all circumstances.

Lets now explore the price an example for a loan for the sum of £100000 at a rate of 1% per month would cost you £1000 for a 1 month period. Many factors such as security offered and a customers risk profile can give a lower or higher rate. Interest rates vary depending on the security offered and your credit file.

Many people don't apply for hard money bridge loans because they expect to be rejected, or have already been turned down by their bank. You may be surprised though as we can accept applications from people with previous bankruptcies.

If you think a bridging loan could help you then visit Bridge Loan

Damian is the owner of many finance related websites. Including mortgage, loans and debt advice. For more information visit Bridge Loan


  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

    National City yesterday announced on their website that they are no longer buying second mortgages.

  2. Thanks for sharing your experience about hard money loan. This article is very helpful.

  3. Hard money loan is the alternative way for those people who are not qualified for bank loans.

  4. Hard money lenders are playing a big role in financial sectors. Now one can get money within 2 weeks after his apply.

  5. Thanks for explaining about hard money loans. Your given information is very useful.

  6. Thanks for explaining about hard money loans. Your given information is very useful.

  7. Hard money lenders are the alternative of banks. The people who cannot be qualified for bank loan can also apply for loan to hard money lenders. Hard money lenders are giving loan by some simple steps.

  8. Thanks for sharing your information. Hard money loan is helping our economical sectors by giving loan by following simple rules.

  9. Hard money loan is a kind of loan which is also can be obtained without credit information. There are many advantages if using hard money loan. Thanks for explaining about hard money loan.

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  11. Thanks for share this informative article with us. Private money investors are participating as a great role in financing.

  12. Thanks for explaining about hard money loan. Hard money loan is a kind of loan which can be obtained within the same month you apply.

  13. It is nice to known from your blog about hard money loan. Hard money loan is a playing a big role in business sector.

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  17. Hard money bridge loan is very easy to take. It is a property base loan and Hard money lenders are considering credit score.

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    .keep it up.Principal investments proposal provides the relationship with the people and finance lenders so that people who are in need of money can easily acquire the money in terms of loans.

  41. wonderful post.Thanks for explaining about hard money bridge loan
    .keep it up.Principal investments proposal provides the relationship with the people and finance lenders so that people who are in need of money can easily acquire the money in terms of loans.

  42. wonderful post.Thanks for explaining about hard money bridge loan
    .keep it up.Principal investments proposal provides the relationship with the people and finance lenders so that people who are in need of money can easily acquire the money in terms of loans.

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