Friday, April 20, 2007

Refinancing - Best way to measure costs and gains

Refinancing is a term in the finance industry that refers to the process of paying off a current or present loan with a second loan. If the situation is right, refinancing can be very beneficial for those who engage in it. So how do you know when the situation is right for refinancing?

First thing's first, refinance only works if the interest rates are low. If they aren't, then refinancing is out of the question. The goal is to save you lots of money which you would have used to pay off your monthly recurring bills on your current loan. With refinancing, there is the possibility that this monthly repayment amount will be reduced since the rates would be considerably lower.

However, interest rates are very fickle. They vary in accordance with the changing economy. So it can therefore be assumed that interest rates are never low for long periods and neither are they high for long durations of time. Because of this inherent flexibility of interest rates, refinancing may not always be beneficial to people. For home owners with second mortgages, mortgage refinancing may backfire. The same goes for those people with a lot of debt or those having trouble paying their bills on time. By refinancing, they may end up paying more than when they stick to the loan they already have.

What is the best way to measure costs and gains from refinancing?

Now, that you have learned when the best time for refinancing is, which is when interest rates are low, the next question that you would need to find the answer to is: What is the best way to measure costs and gains from refinancing?

As stated earlier, there are advantages and disadvantages to refinancing. The trick is to have foreknowledge of what you're in for. For some, the best method to find out what the gains are in refinancing is by comparison.

Compare all costs of your current loan and a new mortgage over a future period. Since the loan period may vary according to how steadfast you are in paying your bills, just make the best guess as to how long you will have the new mortgage. If the total costs are lower with the new mortgage, then you should refinance.

How to Avoid Mistakes in Refinancing

To be sure, the benefits of refinancing are astounding, provided that the situation is ripe for a mortgage refinance However, because of these perceived great benefits of refinancing, many people have the misconception that refinancing won't cost them money. Just for the record: Refinance is just like any other loan and of course, it will cost you money. What makes it stand out is the fact that it can cost you less compared to most other loans.

Source: Free Articles from


Tony Forster has a keen interest in living debt free having been "up to his ears" before I realized the need to take control. I am compiling a useful online resource at enabling anyone to find the perfect money managment for them.


  1. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Any individual has two types of income . Assured income as well as income which is not assured.
    Assured income is one which will keep flowing whether you are personally working or not . For example, Rentals, dividends, royalties , Interest , etc .
    On the other hand income which is not assured is one which stops flows the moment you stop working. For e.g Paycheck, Bonus, etc ..

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